The 2022 Ocean Conference has ended

The 2022 Ocean Conference has ended

Co-organized by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, the Oceans Conference 2022 took place between June 27th and July 1st, at the Altice Arena Convention Center, located in Parque das Nações, in Lisbon. This Conference comes at a critical moment, in which there is a need to seek solutions to solve many of the problems rooted in society, and one of the main objectives of this initiative is precisely to promote science-based solutions aimed at protecting the oceans and the the ecosystems inherent to it. Para a equipa da LS Engenharia Geográfica, esta foi uma oportunidade única para promover o networking e a troca de conhecimentos, uma vez que a hidrografia e a deteção remota fazem parte das nossas vertentes de atuação, pelo que um dos nossos objetivos foi criar alguns contactos nesse sentido. But this mission of ours was only possible thanks to Ocean Science & Business2Sea, a side event that took place in the wake of the United Nations Ocean Conference, with an exclusive area for companies and scientific institutions so that these could present their products and services. This was a free event, focused on the future of the oceans and aspects such as sustainability, economy and innovation. To attend the opening session of the United Nations Ocean Conference 2022, click here. click here..