Survey support for engineering works in general is one of the main areas of activity of LS Engenharia Geográfica. In this type of work, the specifications are usually demanding in terms of land survey techniques and calibration of the equipment used, whether in high-precision leveling or positioning.
Featured Projects
Remote Sensing in vegetation management
Portugal's geographical situation, vegetation type and global climate situation have dictated a new era with regard to environmental and social catastrophes, particularly forest fires, which makes it essential to implement a forest defense strategy.
Geolocation of Hydrographic Basins
: Northeast Brazil is one of the most densely populated semi-arid regions on the planet. It is located at an equatorial latitude, with greater incidence of solar rays and, therefore, with higher temperatures.
Multispectral imagery use in coastal works
The Ria Formosa is characterized by the presence of a coastal dune cord, which protects a lagoon area, and its artificial reinforcement is currently part of a set of actions to combat coastal erosion, using sand from dredging.
Hydrographic surveys in Funchal
Port authorities have a responsibility to frequently inspect their maritime areas in order to maintain minimum service quotas in ports and ensure navigational safety.