Landmarks in Odelouca

30 Aug 2021

Official designation of the project: Delimitation and placement of Landmarks in Odelouca

Start date: February 22, 2021
Completion date: August 22, 2021

Detailed description:

O Cadastro Predial é uma das áreas temáticas que requerem a utilização de dados topográficos, e no decorrer no ano de 2021 a LS Engenharia Geográfica esteve envolvida numa grande diversidade de atividades, no domínio do Cadastro Predial. Pela sua dimensão, podemos destacar a demarcação do perímetro da barragem de Odelouca, localizada no distrito de Faro, propriedade esta da empresa Águas do Algarve, S.A.

The public works contract provided, in its specifications, for the acquisition of services to delimit, supply, and place the Odelouca reservoir property markers.

In this sense, and during the 6 months of execution of this project, the two work teams involved used satellite positioning techniques (GNSS) to accurately determine the geolocation of boundaries in a territory occupied by what is the second largest embankment dam in Portugal.

Given the positioning accuracy required to carry out this type of work, it was necessary to ensure the quality and strength of GNSS signal reception at all times, by installing radio transmitter bases for the GNSS receivers on the move.

According to the rules of the Directorate General of Territory, the maximum permissible uncertainty for the execution of the Land Cadastre is equal to or less than 0.40 metres, so that the bases installed in elevated areas and in places with known coordinates, transmit daily the differential corrections in the official geodesic system, essential for positioning operations in RTK (Real Time Kinematic) mode, thus ensuring an instantaneous accuracy that is always greater than that required.

In a region characterised by its rugged terrain and dense vegetation cover, as well as the high temperatures that can be felt during spring and summer, different strategies were adopted in the day-to-day work, from cutting down the vegetation for progression on the ground to the use of small nautical means, both as a means of transport inside the dam and as transportation for material and equipment.

By the end of July 2021, 1250 concrete markers had been placed on the ground, contributing definitively to the correct identification of plots and resolution of conflicts regarding their ownership.


Condições de terreno acidentado com declives muito acentuados e elevada densidade de cobertura vegetal.


Contribuição para a correta delimitação e identificação das parcelas, conduzindo à resolução de conflitos relativos à sua titularidade.

Areas of Intervention:

Levantamentos Topográficos e Cadastro Predial

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