Construction of Mar Shopping Solar Park

29 Aug 2021

Official designation of the project: Survey support in the construction of a new solar park at Mar Shopping Algarve Center

Start date: July 20, 2021
Completion date: September 15, 2021

Detailed description: Survey support for engineering works in general is one of the main areas of activity of LS Engenharia Geográfica. In this type of work, the specifications are usually demanding in terms of land survey techniques and calibration of the equipment used, whether in high-precision leveling or positioning. As a rule, optical equipment such as electronic levels and theodolites are used, whose specifications allow to achieve millimeter precision.

Today, the total station is the fundamental instrument of high-precision surveying. It is an electronic theodolite with data processing capacity, which allows the calculation of three-dimensional coordinates in real time, through a variety of tools existing in the software included; all this, from the observations of specific points made by the operator.

This instrument, together with the others, makes it possible to control the progress of a specifif task or the assembly of structures, according to a project with specific positioning and rigor criteria, such as the construction of a solar park, in which the structures for fixing panels must have a vertical position and a cardinal orientation, following certain specifications with millimetric accuracy.

The MAR Shopping Algarve shopping center, belonging to Ingka Centers, began in the summer of 2021 the construction of a solar park, with a photovoltaic plant that guarantees all the energy production necessary for this commercial space, thus making it self-sufficient. The work, with a cost of around 1.3 million euros, ended up being built in one of the building's exterior car parks.

LS Engenharia Geográfica accepted the callenge to maintain a survey team that in permanent support, ensuring the execution of the entire project, according to demanding levels of positioning.

During the different stages of construction, the dozens of diggings in the existing pavement stood out, which should give way to the construction of reinforced concrete blocks, sized to withstand heavy metal structures and external forces, such as the wind. Then came the support structures for the panels, made to order and with standard measurements, whose tolerances for alignment and positioning should not exceed 5 millimeters.

This project, with 2500 panels and a production capacity of 1 MW, made it possible to exceed environmental goals, taking another step towards the challenge of CO2 reduction by the year 2030.

Challenges: Demanding specifications, with horizontal positioning tolerances below 5 millimeters; repetitive work; ongoing care and checks; working environment subject to very high temperatures and various hazards on the floor.

Advantages: Contribution to the execution of a project that provides for total energy autonomy, using renewable energy, thus respecting the environmental goals stipulated for the reduction of CO2 by the year 2030.

Areas of Intervention: Land Surveys/ Support for Civil Engineering Works

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